Received by studies
The foundation has more than 25 years of experience in shelters for health and vacations. After the Covid 19 crisis, in which many boys and girls have seen their chances of going to school diminished, it is more than ever necessary for minors who already have a link in our country, a training in Spain that complements the deficiencies they have in their countries of origin and guarantee them a dignified future.

Who is it for?
– Boys and girls over 12 years old from Ukraine and Benin.
– With links to Spain.
– Preferably passed the 9th grade in Ukraine or CM2 (CEP) in Benin
What we offer
– Psychosocial support before and during the stay.
– Accompaniment in Benin and Ukraine. And support for families and guardians
– Travel management, insurance, companions and translations.

We have launched, in collaboration with the relevant public administrations, a program of temporary fostering for studies. We start in 2021 with Ukraine. The study program is conceptualized for boys and girls from 12 years of age who have a link with a host family in Spain and are fluent in Spanish.